// create resuable short name for jQuery no conflict var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); function addBookmark() { // browser checking and branching, since not all browsers allow bookmark the exact same way. // set the rel attribute for the link to sidebar so that Opera will pick this up. This may not be necessary for new versions though -- test out later if(window.opera){ if($j('div#bookmark a').attr('rel') != "") { $j('div#bookmark a').attr('rel','sidebar'); } } $j('div#bookmark a').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // this prevents the default behavior of the anchor link to follow the href value var url = this.href; // this assigns the current page's href value to the var 'url' var title = this.title; // this assigns the current page's title value to the var 'title' // now lets check to see which browser the user is using! if(window.sidebar) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); } else if (window.external){ window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } else { alert('Please use "Ctrl-D (PC Win) or Cmd-D (Mac OS)" to bookmark this page.'); } }); } function showLanguage(obj) { // this shows and hides the language selector $j('a#showLanguages').attr('href','#'); $j('a#showLanguages').click(function(event) { $j('ul.ulLanguages ul').toggleClass('show'); // basically adds the class 'show' which is set to display: block; in global.css if($j('#closeLink').length == 0) $j('').appendTo('ul.ulLanguages ul'); // add a close link to the list since this is a dynamic list built :: this would be better if it could be handled by backend when list is built dynamically $j('li#closeLink a').click(function(event) { $j('ul.ulLanguages ul').removeClass('show'); $j('li#closeLink').remove(); return false; }); return false; }); } function fixIE6DropDown(el) { $j(el).hover(function(){$j(this).addClass('hover');},function(){$j(this).removeClass('hover');}); } function resizeVideo() { $j('object').css({width:'220px',height:'178px'}); $j('embed').css({width:'220px',height:'178px'}); } function showInlineEditbar(){ if($j('.scWebEditInput')) { $j('.scWebEditInput').mouseover(function(event) { var parentDiv = $j(this).parents('div'); var flag = true; parentDiv.each(function(index) { if($j(this).attr('id') == 'middleArea') { flag = false; } }); if(!flag) return false; parentDiv.each(function(index) { var cssOverflow = $j(this).css('overflow'); if(cssOverflow == 'hidden') { $j(this).css('overflow','visible'); $j(this).mouseout(function(event) { $j(this).css('overflow','hidden'); }); return false; } }); }); $j('.scWebEditFrameButtons').mouseover(function(event) { var parentDiv = $j(this).parents('div'); var flag = true; parentDiv.each(function(index) { if($j(this).attr('id') == 'middleArea') { flag = false; } }); if(!flag) return false; parentDiv.each(function(index) { var cssOverflow = $j(this).css('overflow'); if(cssOverflow == 'hidden') { $j(this).css('overflow','visible'); $j(this).mouseout(function(event) { $j(this).css('overflow','hidden'); }); return false; } }); }); } } $j(document).ready(function () { showInlineEditbar(); resizeVideo(); addBookmark(); showLanguage(); $j('#podWrap .pod:odd').addClass('podAlt'); //updateNavZIndex(); });